Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery

Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery

Spray painting 3D printed models has a big potential. It is sad to see objects not being used just because of some minor flaws or dull colours. We know that there are more sophisticated methods of post processing available, like airbrush or vapour smoothing for ABS, but spray painting is one of the easiest in our opinion. Before – After gallery of spray painted 3D printed parts.

Thames Dolphin Story

Thames Embankment in central London is rich in historic artifacts. The lamp posts are decorated with interesting fairy tale creatures that attracted our attention… Read more. Spray painting made them look similar to the original.

Thames Lamp Standards Creatures - Before Baby Thames Dolphin Toy - 3D Printed on Original Prusai3MK2 Thames Lamp Standards Creatures - After Baby Thames Dolphin Toy - Spray Painted Gold

Spray Painting 3D Prints – Tips and Tricks

Even though it is one of the easiest post processing ways, there are things to consider: location, preparation, type of paint, safety. Some steps should not be ignored. Please make sure to wear appropriate clothing, rubber gloves and a respirator. Read more
Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery - Tips & Tricks Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery - Tips & Tricks - Sanding Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery - Tips & Tricks - Safety Spray Painting 3D Prints Christmas Deer

Spray Painting Workshop

Spray painting should be done in the controlled environment with no draft or wind. Any items in the proximity to the spraying zone must be covered. Keep your camera at a safe distance if filming, as tiny specks of paint can get on it. Even the slightest movement of air makes the paint particles spread and stick to anything in their path. A shed or a garage can be ideal for this. We would never recommend to do it at home.
Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery - Workshop Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery - Workshop - Box Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery - Workshop - Process Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery - Workshop - Stored in Box

Spray Painted Dragons

Louise’s technical background helps her in a quest for designing support-free models. At the same time, her models are not lacking detail and are full of elegance. As huge fans of the Hobbit and other Tolkien style stories we loved her fairytale dragons. Read more …
Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery - Arya Before Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery - Dragons Before Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery - Adalinda in Bronze Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery - Dragons

Spray Painted Gold

Rust-Oleum Brilliant Metallic Gold is our favourite so far. It is easy to apply, quick to dry and can be applied to various materials. Manufacturer guidlines state to use it for indoor purposes only. All items in this paint look superb even without sanding in some cases.
Original Thames Lamp Standard Creature Thames Lamp Standard Creature - Before 3D Printed and Spray Painted in Gold - Thames Lamp Standard Creature Dragon Cup For Twitter - Spray painted in Gold

Spray Painted Silver

Kobra Silver. The only downside of this spray paint is that its drying time is long. That means taking big breaks between the coats makes the whole process much longer. We loved the result. Many professionals use it in their trade.
Wine Hand - Before Wine Hand - After - Silver Spray Paint Odile The Swan x5 - Before Odile The Swan - After - Silver Spray Paint

Spray Painted Brozne

While gold and silver spray paints we bought on Amazon, bronze (brand name: Gold) we accuired in a specialist art shop in Wimbledon. It is super easy to work with. It applies evenly and dries quickly. Manufacturer’s guidelines state that this colour is not weather proof and we had no chance to test it, yet. On our previous object Adalinda the colour coating stayed intact for over 6 months by now.
Pegasus, 3dblockzoo Monkey, Arya - Before - Primed Pegasus, 3dblockzoo Monkey, Arya - In Process - Bronze Spray Paint Pegasus, 3dblockzoo Monkey, Arya - After - Bronze Spray Paint Spray Painting 3D Printed Models Gallery - Dragons

Featured objects were spray-painted in the known brands available on Amazon, namely, Rust-Oleum Gold, Cobra Silver, and Montana Cans Bronze.

Source & Links

Most of the STL files for the featured designs that we use come from file-sharing repositories. You can find the sources by following the links to the blogs. We feature some of 3D printing ideas in our 3DWithUs YouTube Channel.
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– Spray Painting 3D Prints

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