Clayton Parker aka Uncle Jessy

Uncle Jessy

When we dived into the world of comics and superheroes, we could not help noticing a talented prop and cosplay masks maker Clayton Parker. He is known in the social media as Uncle Jessy. Clayton’s YouTube videos are powerful tutorials that give a very clear understanding of what is involved in making spotless masks of beloved superheroes.

Originally Clayton Parker launched his YouTube channel named Uncle Jessy with the focus on X-Box One. He published console and game reviews, special sub-Reddit r/xboxone hot topic reviews, etc.

Even though currently he is more involved in 3D printing, Uncle Jessy still makes an odd video on gaming, unboxing props and cosplay items.

Clayton Parker aka Uncle Jessy - YouTube Channel
Uncle Jessy’s YouTube Channel
(Screenshot: YouTube)

We feel that he’s found a niche in 3D printing with his masks. This is what makes him stand out from the crowd. Every mask is a big project that involves 50-100 hours of printing and post-processing. Uncle Jessy admits in one of his videos that some projects take him a whole week to complete and to prepare a video. Post-processing deserves a separate mention.

Earlier this year we tried to spray paint 3D prints and watching his videos helped us to learn something new. Uncle Jessy thoroughly explains what materials and techniques he uses and how he applies different fillers and primers. A lot of attention is dedicated to prepping each item.

At the moment of writing this post, his most popular video was “Deadpool Mask with Magnetic Eyes”. Within only 3 months it accumulated 600k+ views on YouTube.

Considering the scale of 3D printing community, this is definitely a huge success. Masks are great fun and can be used for a lot of occasions. A good example is the Overwatch Reaper mask which could be excellent for Halloween:

That’s what Uncle Jessy writes about himself:

I’m Uncle Jessy & I love 3D Printing replica props for cosplay, making Xbox One videos for Reddit, doing tech reviews, & every once in a while doing a vlog or two. I’m here to have fun & hopefully help brighten up your day.

Clayton Parker is super active on Twitter and quite often starts interesting discussions within the 3D printing community. He is also present on Patreon where it is possible to support him.

It is easy to follow Uncle Jessy:

Clayton Parker aka Uncle Jessy
Clayton Parker aka Uncle Jessy

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