Siraya Tech Simple Clear Resin Review

Siraya Tech Simple Clear Resin Review

Using Siraya Tech Simple Clear resin, users of resin 3D printers are able to make models with a high level of translucency while minimizing the yellow tint associated with most clear resins. It’s worth taking a moment to discuss the differences between some common marketing terminology:

Transulcent vs Clear and Transparent

‘Translucent’ implies a material that allows some light to pass through it, while ‘transparent’ and ‘clear’ imply a material that allows all or most the light to pass through it. While this resin is sold as ‘Clear’, it is, in fact, a translucent material that allows some light to pass through it.

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Siraya Tech Simple Clear

Resin Review – Excellent Clarity, Simple to Use

I’m printing the Simple Clear resin on an Elegoo Mars 2 Pro, a Mono LCD 3D printer which will be printing models prepared with the Chitubox slicer app. To test out the properties of this resin, I’ll be printing out a variety of models to highlight various aspects and properties of this unique resin. If you’re interested in making clear resin prints without a long processing workflow, this resin provides good quality results while still being affordable.

Siraya Tech Simple Clear Resin
The Simple Clear resin pours out as a water-clear liquid
(Photo: Andrew Sink)

Simple Clear Resin 3D Printing

Siraya Tech Simple Clear resin is a water-clear resin which is nearly completely transparent in its uncured state, and doesn’t have the same level of yellowish tint seen in other translucent resins. This is where the Simple Clear resin really lives up to its name: it’s simply a nearly clear photopolymer, with limited visible tint.

Clear Resin in Resin Vat
Simple Clear resin flows easily with low viscosity compared to other resins
(Photo: Andrew Sink)

Unlike other MSLA resins like the Anycubic Plant-Based UV resin which flow slowly due to their relatively high viscosity, the Simple Clear resin flows easily. The trapped air bubbles readily flow to the top of the vat, which means the resin is ready for printing almost immediately after pouring.

Models prepared for printing in Chitubox
Models prepared for printing in Chitubox

Printing Clear Models with Siraya Tech Clear Resin

Translucent resins tend to transmit light differently depending on their internal structure, density, and other factors. To demonstrate this, I’ve prepared two 20mm calibration cubes; one is a 1mm shell, and the other is a solid block. In addition, there is a 32mm miniature model from Loot Studios as well as a 3DBenchy that has had most solid areas replaced with a lattice structure.

Models during the wash and cure process
Models during the wash and cure process
(Photo: Andrew Sink)

Before washing and curing, the models exhibit a high degree of transparency, something they largely retained even after post-curing.
One of the selling points of the Simple Clear resin is that it requires a lower concentration of alcohol to clean so the washing process doesn’t dull the details on the model. I rinsed the entire build plate in the Elegoo Mercury X wash station, and cured the models in the Mercury X cure station.

Loot Studios 32mm miniature
Loot Studios 32mm miniature
(Image: Andrew Sink)

The 32mm miniature (which was a solid print) allows for a good deal of light to pass through, but some of the finer details are hard to see or photograph. When backlit, the contours of the model become visible and the overall clarity of the model is impressive.

Testing Transparency of Siraya Tech Simple Clear Resin

XYZ Cube 3D Printed in Siraya Clear Resin
After curing, and after dipping in water
(Image: Andrew Sink)

The same way that a deep stain will bring out the grain in wood, a clear coating will make translucent prints appear more transparent due to lowered surface complexity. A quick way to simulate this is to dip a printed part in water, to see what the finish would look like if given a full clear coat.

The 20mm calibration cube, a solid clear resin 3D print
The 20mm calibration cube, a solid print
(Image: Andrew Sink)

The level of transparency in the solid cube was impressive, and with some post-processing (wet-sanding and a clear coat), the overall transparency could be increased. Due to the internal support structure and thin walls, the cube that was a hollow print didn’t look nearly as impressive.

Hollow vs Solid Cubes - 3D Printed in Clear Resin
A comparison between the hollow and solid cubes (Image: Andrew Sink)

Where to Buy Siraya Tech Simple Clear Resin

I hope my Siraya Tech Simple Clear resin review gave you a good idea about this product. It is currently available in a 1 kg bottle on Amazon for $36.99, which is a comparable price to other 3D printing resins (like the Anycubic Plant-Based UV resin). Printing models with Simple Clear resin is an excellent way to create unique looking models, and the level of transparency can be increased by polishing, sanding, or clear-coating the model. In addition, filling a hollow transparent model with an opaque paint or other media can create a unique effect.

Siraya Tech Simple Clear

Read more: Elegoo Standard Photopolymer Resin Review

In addition to making some of the best budget resin 3D printers on the market, Elegoo also makes the Elegoo Standard Photopolymer Resin, an inexpensive resin that works with a variety of different 3D printers and is available in a variety of different colors.

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