Anycubic Kobra and Photon M3 Series Launch

Anycubic Campaigns and Other Events

Anycubic is the brand that is known in 3D printing for its engagement with the community. They take part in such events as giveaways and 3D printing competitions, support solo creators, and collaborate with the file-sharing platforms. Let’s check what’s going on in their backyard.

Popular Events in Creative Community

For inspiration and new ideas, creators often take part in popular events associated with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s Day, etc. This creates an opportunity for manufacturers to get involved and host their own themed events. And naturally, Anycubic’s marketing team feels the flow and launches promotional seasonal campaigns.

Anycubic Kobra and Photon M3 Series Launch

Anycubic Photon M3, Photon M3 Plus, and Photon M3 Max Comparison

Anycubic has released three printers in the Photon M3 line: the Photon M3, the Photon M3 Plus, and the Photon M3 Max. Please compare the machines in the table below.

Comparison Table
Anicubic Photon M3 Series Comparison Table

Anycubic Kobra, Anycubic Kobra Plus, and Anycubic Kobra Max Comparison

Anycubic has released three printers in the Kobra line: the Anycubic Kobra, the Anycubic Kobra Plus, and the Anycubic Kobra Max. Please compare the machines in the table below.

Anicubic Kobra, Kobra Plus and Kobra Max Comparison Table
Anicubic Kobra Series Comparison Table

The Kobra stands alone as the sole direct-drive machine in the lineup with a PEI spring steel build platform, while both the Kobra Plus and the Kobra Max use a Bowden style extruder with a Carborundum glass build platform and the LeviQ 25 point automatic bed leveling system. The relatively low price of the Kobra ($299) makes it an ideal machine for lower volume applications, while the more expensive Kobra Plus and Kobra Max are targeted at high-throughput and large volume applications. The Kobra Plus and Kobra Max also utilize higher-wattage power supplies, which are able to heat the large build platform more quickly and evenly. All three printers include TMC2209 silent stepper drivers, which make them ideal for anyone who is concerned with the amount of noise generated by the printer during operation.

Valentine’s Day Sale

Anycubic Valentine's Day Sale

Anycubic Photon Mono Tribes X Edition

With the launch of Photon Mono X 6K, Anycubic, together with MyMiniFactory, launched the Tribes X crowdfunding campaign. The aim is to produce no more than 1000 limited edition machines that feature MyMiniFactory’s Tribes branding. The tribes are mini-communities with creators and their followers within the MyMiniFactory ecosystem. Anyone can start following and supporting a tribe of their choice. 3D models with their original stories which are produced within the Tribes are best optimized for resin 3D printing. That’s when Anycubic comes in with their powerful machine.

Anycubic Photon Mono X Tribes Edition - Crowdfunding Campaign
Anycubic Photon Mono X Tribes Edition
(Image: MyMiniFactory)

Advent Calendar Giveaway

This Christmas Anycubic organizes an Advent Calendar Giveaway event. Anyone can take part by leaving comments on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, or/and Twitter. Five printers, forty bottles of resin or filament spools will be given away. On top of that, a surprise will be announced on the 25th of December. Check the full rules on Facebook.

Christmas 3D Printer Deals

Alongside giveaways and competitions, Anycubic offers package deals which include extra 3D printing material, either resin or filament, and on top of that premium STL files from experienced designers for 3D printing.

Anycubic Christmas Sale - Package Deals
Anycubic Christmas Sale – Package Deals

For FDM 3D printing enthusiasts the deal includes:
Anycubic Vyper, 2 kg of PLA, and 3 Premium STL Files
This machine offers a good build volume for an entry-level price, with all comfortable features such as auto-calibration and a removable flexible build plate.

For Resin 3D printing fans there are two deals:
Anycubic Photon Mono X, Wash & Cure Plus, and 3 Premium STL Files
One of the best 3D printers in this price range, Mono X is praised by many users as a reliable printer with the high print quality and a large build volume.
Wash & Cure station is a must-have tool for the messier, compared to FDM 3D printing, process to become as smooth as possible.
With this Christmas deal, it is possible to save a whopping $200.

Another Resin 3D printer deal includes:
Anycubic Mono 4K, Wash & Cure Plus, and 3 Premium STL Files
Mono 4K is an entry-level 3D printer with an improved 4K resolution and a larger print area. Wash & Cure station will help in post-processing and curing the models.


Engaging actively with the 3D printing community, organizing collaborative giveaways and competitions with talented creators and file-sharing platforms, Anycubic has gained the reputation of an approachable and reliable brand.

For more information please visit Anycubic’s official website.

Read more: Anycubic Plant-Based UV Resin Review

The Anycubic Plant-Based UV resin is an eco-friendly alternative to most photopolymer resins on the market that is aimed at anyone interested in low odor, eco-friendly resin 3D printing. This plant-based material is designed to work on LCD or DLP resin 3D printers that use 355-410nm photopolymer resin.

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Anycubic Kobra S1 Combo Ad
SUNLU FilaDryer E2 Filament Dryer

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