One of the most popular seasons for 3D printing at home is Halloween. Seasonal symbols and fan art designs featuring objects and characters from horror movies make this creativity-rich event highly anticipated among 3D printer owners. Let’s examine why this theme is popular in the 3D printing community and list Halloween 3D print ideas and techniques.
This Guide Covers
- Why Halloween is Popular in 3D Printing
- Halloween 3D Print Ideas
- The Best Materials for Halloween
- Multicolor Prints with AMS and MMU Systems
- FDM vs Resin Halloween 3D Printing
- Conclusion
Why Halloween is Popular in 3D Printing
I would say – not just in 3D printing but in any DIY community. As Halloween trick-or-treating requires decorations, costumes, and props, a 3D printer is one of the best tools. Take the most common filament like a white or black PLA (in case the pumpkin orange PLA is not stocked in advance), 3D print a skull bowl or a spider, and you are part of the Halloween celebration with a themed object in your hands. Here are a few reasons why Halloween is especially important for makers and designers in 3D printing.
Halloween-themed prints can be produced on budget FDM and resin 3D printers that have become available on the market in abundance. Each printer type has its pluses and minuses, but if you want to keep the printing process as family-friendly as possible, then FDM 3D printers are the best option. They are much less messy and involve friendlier materials as well.
– Originality. Dedicate a little bit more time to researching the subject of popular Halloween 3D prints. It will then be possible to fish out genuinely original and awesome models that, when 3D printed, will grab the attention of your friends, colleagues, or visitors. Sometimes original decoration or prop designs are either impossible to mass produce or they might be very fresh, coming as fan art from the recent popular movies.
– Economy. Platforms like Etsy, where shoppers can buy original items, helped drive the popularity of Halloween among the community even further. For 3D printing designers and makers, this event is important commercially. Check out Uncle Jessy’s latest video, in which he shares a success story of the model that made him $3,000 in a week.
– Family event. Creating props can be done together, a good occasion for quality family time. The whole family, despite of age, can participate in this process, from making decisions on what to print to putting the prop together.
Halloween 3D Print Ideas & Implementation
The most popular symbol of Halloween is the pumpkin aka Jack-o’-lantern. As pumpkin color, an orange filament, is easy to get hold of, we see a lot of pumpkins printed for the season. Here are some other ideas of what to search for:
– Classic Halloween symbols: Pumpkin, Jack-o’-lantern, Ghost, Witch, Black Cat, Broom, Graveyard, Skeleton, Skull, Bone, Zombie, Vampire, Spider, Cobweb.
– Fan art from the movies: A significant increase in downloads on the file repositories prior to the season is for the props and objects inspired by horror movies. Here are some of the titles: Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Frankenstein, Dracula, Squid Game, and other horror movies.
Now, let’s list the print ideas and techniques.
Halloween Themed Multilayer Silhouettes
Have a look at the Halloween-themed silhouette art from 3DPrintBunny. Natalie Cheesmond, in her guide, described in detail the technique she used to create such scenes. Featuring Halloween in a 3D way seems natural. Variations are endless. One of the biggest advantages of such scenes is that the biggest print, the frame, can be reused for scenes featuring other events such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. The slides are thin, which makes them easy to store for the next year.

Design, Print & Photo: 3DPrintBunny

Design, Print & Photo: 3DPrintBunny
Files: Multilayer Silhouette on Thangs.
A bigger frame will require a bigger build plate. A common PLA material works well here. Other materials, such as PETG, ABS, or even composites, might have issues with the bed adhesion. Extra glue may be required to keep sharp corners attached to the build plate. Each slide is 1 mm thick and it will take 5 layers to print with 0.2 layer height.
Halloween Character Signs & Snap Badges
Abbymath had a good idea for the quick Halloween-themed 3D prints. Abby Brown has a collection of such signs and badges in her Halloween collection on Cults.

Design, Print & Photo: Abbymath
Files: Collection on Cults.
The strongest point of such multicolored designs is that these are quick prints that can be done on budget 3D printers with a single extruder using a simple color-changing technique. Also, filament samples or scraps may be enough to complete the item.
Halloween Masks
A large collection of masks is available in various file repositories. Generally, such designs may not be difficult to print, but it may be tricky to make them wearable. We recommend checking the designs with caution. Extra post-processing, such as excessive sanding, spray painting, and painting, may be required. Also, it is highly likely that the well-designed mask files will come at a price in the area of $10-30. Quite often, such designs are not suitable for children as the features are disturbing.

Search Results from Yeggy
As we mentioned before, such masks are created as fan art following a popular movie. Search for such horror movie titles as Friday the 13th, Squid Game, Scarry Movie, etc. This is when the unique fan art design of the freshly released horror movie may bring the original content to your party.
Skeletons, Skulls, and Zombies
There is a huge variety of skeletons, skulls, and bones available on file repositories. A big collection can be created from the skulls alone. Such items usually come with easy-to-medium difficulty to 3D print. Some of the talented designers created support-free, articulated print-in-place designs worth looking at. Another good point is that white filament is easy to acquire (quite often it comes with a new 3D printer).

Teeth Cup and Teeth Saucer DaveMakesStuff
©3DWithUs – Print & Photo: Max Funkner

Files: Teeth Cup and Teeth Saucer DaveMakesStuff on Thangs.
This year one of the most popular Halloween creations was the Teeth Cup and Saucer (and teeth) by DaveMakesStuff. This original idea attracted a lot of attention in social media. These models were easy to print on a desktop 3D printer with tree supports and support blockers and with the basic Cura slicer settings. Available for free, the quality models are worth paying for.
Coincidentally, I reviewed the Creality K1 during the Halloween season. Obviously, I printed zombies and skulls. One of the remarkable models this year that caught my eye is the Flexy Zombie Dragon by Toonz Factory. In SUNLU Green Antistring PLA, it looks stunning as it is, without painting.

3D Model by ToonzFactory on Cults
©3DWithUs – Print and Photo: Max Funkner
I used default settings in Creality Print software without adhesion settings to avoid excessive cleaning. The 70% scaled model took only 4-5 hours to print. As usual, Magigoo from Amazon helped with bed adhesion. It was very easily removed from the bed and assembled, namely attaching wings and head to the body. The model is not just wiggly but can also take various positions. This model is definitely one of the favorite models in the Halloween 3D Print Ideas collection. Read more about other, non-zombified, articulated dragons in the detailed guide on 3DWithUs.

3D Model by 3DPrintBunny on Printables
©3DWithUs – Print and Photo: Max Funkner
Fragmented Skull String Art by 3DPrintBunny is a very good seasonal torture test for any machine. It has very long bridges and a lot of retractions. To make the most of her artwork, I printed the first layers in transparent PLA and the rest in Creality Hyper White PLA. This model challenged both the Creality K1 and the filament when I reviewed the machine.
Spiders and Cobwebs
A fake spider is a classic scary prank idea. Remember a hairy big spider from the prank shop? This is a highly customizable and printable creature. Also, to get it quickly printed, it requires not much of the basic black filament.

©3DWithUs – Print & Photo: Max Funkner
As an example, I printed an Articulated Tarantula by McGyBeer featuring the glow-in-the-dark filament from Amazon. It is a medium-difficulty model to print as the spider’s moving legs must stay well adhered to the bed and then be connected at the end of the print. To print such a model successfully, I would recommend a raft, supports under the legs, and a slightly increased Z-lift so that all 16 parts can be connected into eight legs.
At 3DWithUs, we could not stay away from such an important event, so we produced the Halloween-themed Post-it Note Holder. If you think about it, the Halloween touch can be added to any model – add a little spider or a bat to the design, and the theme will be felt straight away. We remixed our popular Post-it Note holder by adding a web-like feature with a little spider. This model took a little bit more than an hour to print on Creality K1 in Grey and Marble PLA.

3D Model on Cults
©3DWithUs – Print & Photo: Max Funkner
Another interesting design feature we are proud of is stackability. This model is stackable, which means a bunch of these models are easy to store until the next season and transport if needed.
Zombies & Vampires
All undead creatures are obviously inspired by horror movies or video games. Starting with the vampire bats and finishing with the Lord of the Undead from Game of Thrones.
We will expand this collection with unique ideas in the future. Maybe next year 😉
The Best Materials for Halloween
Apart from the orange PLA and black color shades popular on Halloween, we must mention the glow-in-the-dark filament from Amazon. Trick-or-treating happens in the evening, with daylight dimmed or completely gone, and such material plays very well in these cases. An LED UV light source is required to make it more pronounced.
Articulated Tarantula by McGyBeer 3D printed in Rainbow Glow in The Dark PLA. You can see the transition from blue to red. UV light is switched ON/OFF to charge the glow.
©3DWithUs – Print & MP4: Max Funkner
UV Torch
UV Flashlight 395-405 nm
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One of the best products for charging glow-in-the-dark and UV Color-Change filaments is UV Torch. The filament gets charged in seconds.
There are a few setbacks, though. For example, when exposed too much to the sun, such filament starts to lose its glowing effect over time. Also, this filament is a composite, which may make it more difficult to print than basic PLA.

©3DWithUs – Print & Photo: Max Funkner
While reviewing the Elegoo Saturn 3 12K resin 3D printer, I printed a lot of spider and skull jewelry (rings) and crockery by DaveMakesStuff. Featured composition above, I called it ‘When Cinderella Invites the Addams Family for Tea’ as these themed models feature both Halloween and Valentine’s Day themes.
– Resin. A quick note about the resin: It’s possible to find the right shades for a highly detailed model. Beige, white, and gray are quite popular in resin 3D printing. Since the volume of resin 3D printers is typically much smaller, prints for Halloween are often limited to models such as figurines and miniatures. I will definitely try to print highly detailed Halloween pumpkins in resin at some point.
Multicolor Prints with AMS and MMU Systems
As AMS Automatic Material System (Bambu Lab) and Multi Material Upgrade (Prusa3D) become more accessible day by day, here is an example of how dull-looking prints can become vibrant if designed for multicolor 3D printing.

©3DWithUs – Prints & Photo: Will Zoobkoff
Will Zoobkoff in his Bambu Lab P1S Combo review featured a lot of Halloween-themed models, including flexible, articulated, and the masks.
FDM vs Resin Halloween 3D Printing
If you need to pick only one 3D printer, I would go for an FDM 3D printer for Halloween needs. There are several reasons.
– Volume. Budget 3D printers like Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro have much bigger volumes which will allow you to print bigger objects and props.
– Messy. Halloween events may involve family members with kids. I would not recommend letting young children anywhere near a resin machine.
– Colors. It is possible to mix the resins and there are more shades becoming available, but it still cannot beat the variety of shades of the filaments in FDM 3D printing.
Read more about FDM vs Resin 3D Printers.

Zou Ghost by ZOU3D and Halloween Monster Pumpkin by Calaverd
©3DWithUs – Print & Photo: Max Funkner
Files: Zou Ghost by ZOU3D and Halloween Monster Pumpkin by Calaverd.
Halloween has become one of the most anticipated seasons in the 3D printing community. It is popular, celebrated internationally and a lot of people take part. Also, as the Halloween theme has next to no limits in the scope of design ideas, we see new awesome creations and fan art coming out every year.
Read more: Christmas 3D Print Ideas
As the holiday season approaches, it’s time to explore how 3D printing can add an extra touch of fun and usefulness. Christmas offers a perfect opportunity to print personalized gifts, table decorations, and ornaments for both family and friends. It’s a time when enthusiasts can truly showcase their skills and demonstrate what these remarkable machines are capable of. With the availability of a wide variety of colors to choose from and numerous websites offering 3D files, the possibilities are endless. The only challenge lies in deciding what to print. In this guide, we will feature some of the best Christmas 3D print ideas.
Read more: Valentine’s Day 3D Print Ideas and Gifts
Valentine’s Day holds a special place in 3D printing and other DIY communities for several reasons. This event offers designers an opportunity to showcase their creativity by producing original, and often state-of-the-art, themed designs. It’s not just about gifts; consider the possibilities for decorations, dinner table setups, wardrobe accessories, and other elements that add a romantic touch. Such versatility in creation allows for a personalized and memorable celebration. In this guide, we will feature some of the best Valentine’s Day 3D print ideas and print out some of them.
Read more: Easter 3D Print Ideas and Gifts: Decorative and Functional
This Easter 3D print ideas guide aims to inspire you with various 3D printing examples and techniques. We will explore how innovations like multi-color filaments and color-changing systems enhance the printing process, making it more fun. Let’s dive into this creative adventure and make this Easter stand out with personalized 3D printed decorative and functional gifts!